Thursday, December 17, 2015

Made it!

6:00am. Showered. Girls say I should sleep some to try to get on Lanka time. What a travel marathon. 
Now 11:30 foggy headed. Ready to get start😀

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

San Francisco

We are waiting for our flight and have already added a stop in Chennai because of a late connection. I looked it up and is the biggest city on the right side of India. The adventure continues! It is ok to stop there as long as it is not over 24 hours because we do not have a visa. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Adventure begins...

December 14th
Pam Peplinski took me to my favorite restaurant, Rolling Farms in Traverse City, and then to the airport!  I arrived in Seattle and met Jessica and Niall!  December 15th they worked and I explored with a special map by Jessica.